The Plan to Eat Podcast

#1: Welcome to the Plan to Eat Podcast!

Plan to Eat Season 1 Episode 1

In this episode, Riley and Roni introduce you to the meal planning app, Plan to Eat, and interview each other! Learn why Plan to Eat was started and how the two of them came to work at the company.

Find the recipes Riley and Roni talk about in this episode:
Freeform Chicken Meatballs with Carrots and Yogurt Sauce
 Buffalo Chicken Bites

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Friend Roni on Plan to Eat with the username: ronivayre

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[00:00:00] I'm Riley Whitson and I'm Roni Vayre. And this is the plan to eat podcast where we, I have conversations about meal planning, food, and wellness. To help you answer the question what's for dinner. 

Roni: Hi everyone. And welcome to our first episode of the Plan to Eat podcast. Today, we are going to go over a little bit about plan to eat, and we are going to interview each other so that you can get to know me and Riley better for this whole podcast.

Riley: As you probably already know, Plan to Eat is a meal planning website and app that allows you to store your own recipes, create a custom recipe book. Use those recipes to create a meal plan based on your needs and preferences. And then a shopping list is created for you automatically. We like to say that Plan to Eat is traditional meal planning, simplified. We have all the elements of what you need to meal plan and we make it easy and digital for you. 

Roni: And Plan to Eat was started about 12 years ago by our[00:01:00] owner, founder, head developer, Clint. And he created it for his wife, Lisa, who was a meal planner, but she struggled with the amount of time that it took her to meal plan.

So he took his developing skills and he created Plan to Eat. And it has just been kind of evolving ever since then. I think the difference between what Plan to Eat it looks like now and what it looked like 12 years ago is probably. Really big. 

Riley: Yeah, it definitely is. And we have customers who have been using plan to eat since those early days. So I know that a lot of people who might be listening today can remember the different colors that we used, or even the fact that we have added so many features.

Roni: So I'm going to take a few minutes right now and interview Riley. So you guys can all get to know a little bit more about her. So Riley, why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself and tell us what you do at Plan to Eat.

Riley: so I am Riley Whitson. I've worked for plan to eat for almost eight years. Yeah. Almost eight years. And my [00:02:00] role atPlan to Eat have evolved over time. I started in customer support and answered a whole lot of emails, helping people learn how to use Plan to Eat answering questions that they had about the program or new features.

And then I moved into a role doing a little bit more of our marketing. I work with all of our partners and I manage projects and. A whole lot of other things my, you know, Plan to Eat is a pretty small team. So a lot of us have a lot of roles on our plates, which is really fun. It keeps things really interesting.

And it's never boring and we don't do the same thing day to day, which actually really love out of my job. But that would be probably the main thing is just that I manage partnerships and work with all of our Contractors that we work with, like our graphic designers and other things like that. 

Roni: You started eight years ago at Plan to Eat how did you get started working for Plan to Eat? 

Riley: That's actually a really funny story. I worked at let me back up just a little bit more. I went to school for photography. I have an art degree. So photography is another thing that actually do for plan to eat. But I have an art degree and I moved to Colorado [00:03:00] for a job.

And I started working at a coffee shop. While I've worked for this other job, it was a part-time job. So I had basically two part-time jobs at the same time. And the coffee shop job. Was just in downtown Loveland, which is where Plan to Eat is based is Loveland, Colorado. And I met Clint, our owner, and he worked there every day.

It was kind of his office out of the house. And so he worked every day. We became friends and then I actually started working as a personal assistant for another customer who needed just some extra help in her life. So I was her personal assistant, that job kind of morphed into being. Her personal chef.

And so I did all of the cooking for her and her family. I prepped a lot of meals. I prepared dinner for them four nights a week. And then I did that for about a year. During that time Clint found out that I was doing that, that was my third part-time job found out that I was doing that. And he was like, I want you to come cook for me.

And so he hired me to come cook for him and his [00:04:00] family. Pretty part-time. I think it was two meals a week that I was just trying to help alleviate some stress. In their family, they have four kids, they have a lot going on. So I was just there to help a little bit. And then he also hired me to work for plan to eat part time doing support.

And so then that all of those jobs, that's a lot of jobs at the same time of the part-time job. All of the part-time jobs. That was basically two full-time jobs. It morphed into eventually I quit all of the other things and started working for Plan to Eat full-time and that's what I've been doing ever since then.

So the crazy all the part-time jobs thing was just for probably about six months. 

Roni: So currently in your position, what's your favorite part about your job? 

Riley: That's a great question. I think I already mentioned how much I love the diversity of my day to day. But I love the, I love getting to talk to people and I love getting to interact with them.

So I mean, I love getting to do things like our podcast or YouTube videos, just getting to chat with you and like talk about all things, meal planning. Cause I've been in this world for [00:05:00] so long. I feel like it oozes out of me, is that disgusting? Should I not have said that? It's just as a part of talking about meal planning is just such a part of my life.

And so it's very easy to talk about. And so that's really fun. And I just like getting to talk about it. But I would say just the people aspect of it is really fun. And then just the fact that it's so diverse, it helps me. Be more creative. So I like all of those things. So have three things, I guess \

Roni: not quite one favorite thing, but that's okay.

Riley: I have a lot of favorite things about my job. I think that it's what makes it a really great job is that it's, I've got so many favorites. 

Roni: I agree. So since you've been with Plan to Eat for quite a few. Can you name a few things that have changed since you started working for Plan to Eat? 

Riley: Well, the, I definitely have like the creative background, so you might not be surprised at this, but one of my favorite changes is how the website has evolved from like a darker tones and like a little bit more of like a warmer, It used to be pretty dark. [00:06:00] Everything used to be pretty dark if everything's really lightened up. Our colors are lighter. Our brand is just a lot lighter. Overall I love that. That's one of my favorite changes for me in particular, it makes it a little bit more inviting.

Something else that comes to mind is for so many years our customers really, really wanted an app. And so for those of you who don't know, apps are really hard to build and very expensive to build. And so as the person who was handling customer support, It weighed heavy on me that that was something we did not have and I could never give to our customers because it wasn't my it wasn't something I could build.

And it was also something that our team really wanted to do, but just, we really couldn't do for a long time because of the resources that it took to make it. And so when we finally were able to launch our app in 2018, that was just like the biggest wins. And it was a show. It was this sounds so dumb, but it's such a weight lifted in the support world and like handling our customer's questions and things like that, because it was something that they wanted so desperately, and then we finally were able to give it to them. And so that was a really exciting [00:07:00] win. So that was, that was great. 

Roni: having the app, I mean, I haven't worked for Plan to Eat without an app and I kind of can't imagine. Plan to eat, not having an app because it's such a big part of our company right now. 

Riley: Yeah. It's so helpful for on the go. And, you know, we cater to an audience that is busy and we are trying to alleviate some stress from their plate, right. By helping make meal planning, easy, easier. And now, because it is something that they can take with them in their pocket and do while they're. You know, shoot, you can meal play before you walked into the grocery store to shop, right? You can meal plan in the pickup line for your kids at school. You can meal plan anywhere waiting in the doctor's office.

You can, he can do it from anywhere. And so being able to do it in those. Mostly unusable times of your life, you know, like instead of scrolling through Instagram, you can do something that's really helpful. I think that that's just what makes Plan to Eat of, even more of a gem in your life is just that it you can do it anywhere now.

And so it's, it's hugely helpful. I have [00:08:00] to admit that I still use the desktop to do a lot of my planning. But that's cause I'm a little old school and I'm on my computer a lot. But I love the fact that I have the app and can take it with me on the go and use it in the store instead of having to print a paper list, which I inevitably always left at home.

Regardless of whether I did it in Plan to Eat or written on paper, you know, so, so it's really nice to have because,I always have my phone

Roni: right. So you just said that you plan a lot on the desktop. What kind of does your meal planning look likein general. 

Riley: Yeah, that's a great question. So meal planning for us looks like a lot of dinner. I plan dinner based around our weekly schedule. All right. So my husband works a shift schedule, so he's gone a couple of days a week. And so I plan dinners for four nights a week. And then usually I just make a larger batch of the things that I cook. And then we eat that for leftovers. Or we eat that for dinner, you know, either for lunch or dinner as leftovers.

And then just, we have pretty generic things to have on hand for lunches and [00:09:00] breakfast, like eggs and stuff for sandwiches, or you know, smoked salmon or something like that. We can throw on a salad really easily. So those are things that are pretty standard around their house. It's like the lunch, breakfast ingredients.

I kind of always buy those things. We do mix it up. It's not the same thing all the time, but those are just things that we have on hand. And then the dinners is where we get pretty creative. So about four to five dinners per week, and then we I'll just make a double batch or something like that to either freeze, which I love the freezer to freeze, to have another night later, or we did as leftovers.

Roni: Are there any Plan to Eat features that are like your absolute favorite that you feel like you couldn't live without?

Riley: Yes. I think that serving sizes is just an all time winner. Because that does allow me to make a huge batch of something. And I know how much I'm making. It's not just like a, I hope this is going to work to have it for multiple meals. I'm actually like giving a tangible, like this is for eight servings.

And so I have a daughter she's one. She doesn't eat a lot yet, you know? I can be pretty confident if I scaled a recipe up for eight, that's going to feed us. For sure. Two dinners and [00:10:00] probably two lunches. Maybe that sounds really boring to some people because it's the same thing for a lot of meals.

I don't have quite the issue with eating leftovers as my husband does. So it doesn't bother me to have that for lunch a couple of times, especially if I don't have to cook it. And that's such a time-saver. So being able to have it as a leftover. It's just so helpful. It like, it takes away any issue I have with eating a leftover because I didn't have to cook it again.

And most moms will attest the fact that we have very little time. And so just being able to have something that I can just heat up for me and my daughter for lunches, because my husband's working or whatever. It's just really helpful. So serving sizes is huge. And then the shopping list. I mean, probably most people would say, first of all, it's integral to Plan to eat.

The shopping list is just part of it. You know, it's just, it's been there since the beginning and it's just vital to the process of planning. But I would say, I can't live without that because during my week when we run out of something, I opened Plan to Eat and I add it to that list. I'm trying to think of something that, that I've had.

Oh, baking powder I just ran out of baking powder. I opened up my shopping list [00:11:00] I added it. Then I know I need to buy it. And it's not a question because I know I added it and I know that doesn't mean I need to purchase, and I'm not going to forget it when I go to make my big list for my big shopping trip. It's also, 

Roni: you can kind of like forget about it because you're like it's already on the list.

Riley: Yes. Yeah. And if I didn't add it to the list, I would forget about it because especially those really random things that you don't run out of very often, like vanilla or salt or baking powder, like those kinds of staple items that you run out of very infrequently. They will literally leave my mind. It could be eggs and it'll leave my mind.

Some thing you have all the time. So just being able to do it in the moment, whatever it is, trash bags, oatmeal. I mean, like, those are things that I've genuinely add to my list and we run out. And so having that and just having it at my fingertips to do it in the kitchen when I'm cooking immediately super helpful.

All right. So that's enough about me. We can wrap that up and now it's my honor to get to interview Roni. So Roni. Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do at Plan to Eat. 

Roni: I'm Roni [00:12:00] Vayre and I have worked for Plan to Eat for about three years at this point, I think I might be getting ready to start my fourth year.

I similar to Riley started out doing customer support, answering emails. I still do part of that in my role at Plan to eat just a little less frequently. We now have another support person, Shelby who works with us. So. Like Riley said with her job, my job is very diverse. We have a small team, so I do not only customer support, but I also do manage all of our blog, YouTube videos I doing I'm the editor for this podcast.

So I kinda consider myself like our lead content creator because while Riley and I do create a lot of the content that we have together, I'm the one who takes care of all the like editing and publishing. I do all of our social media and just, you know, like a smattering of random things in my day, but very similar to Riley, like no day is the same.

And I'm kind of like customer support, but also marketing [00:13:00] kind of a mix of different things in my day. 

Riley: Yeah, it's awesome. The collaboration aspect of plant eat, cause you know, our roles intertwined so much I think is actually a really big positive. I know this is interview is not about me. It's just a thought that I had while you were talking. It's just like the collaboration that all of us have on our team, I think makes us a better team and it helps us produce better content. So 

Roni: Something that has always, I think, been important to Clint and to the company is the fact that. Since we are so small, we're all able to kind of be involved in different decision making processes.

And so, it is kind of important that we collaborate and. Riley. And I have talked about this many times before, but we always come up with our best ideas when we're working together, because we're able to bounce things off of each other. And then like one small idea turns into the way bigger idea, or we just are able to get way more in depth with it.

So Yeah. Having roles that kind of cross each other is really helpful and probably bigger companies [00:14:00] have situations like that too. It's just that our roles, that crossover crossover in like literally every aspect of the company, except for maybe like developing.

Riley: Absolutely. Well, so how did you get started working for Plan to Eat what's your story?

Roni: So I started working for Plan to Eat part-time In December one year, right after our annual sale we had another support person who was a mutual friend and she was kind of getting ready to move on from her role at plan to eat. And so she just recommended me for the job and you know, everybody always likes it when there's kind of like a personal connection when you hire somebody, it gives that person a little more like credibility.

So I was just interviewed and hired and worked part time a few months before I ever went full time. I was also working full-time at a restaurant at the time that I was hired for Plan to eat. So juggled both of those for a little while before I was able to come on. Full-time 

Riley: awesome. We love having you.

It's fun for me because I got to, I [00:15:00] got to see the, I get to see you from the beginning. I got to interview you, I guess. So to see where you came from which, you know, in the interview process, you just were such a standout, like be on our team, but just like to see the way that we get to work together.

Yeah. Now so fun. Yeah, I agree. So what are the favorite parts of your job? What do you love doing. 

Roni: Well, it's similar to you. I would say that I really like that every day is a little different. I like that my job involves a lot of creativity because I feel like I'm a creative person. And so it's nice to be a creator rather than a consumer when it comes to a lot of things.

I also, like, I like the collaboration process. I like that Riley and I work really close together and we get to work on stuff together. So, I mean really similar to you. I, there's not very many things that I dislike about my job. I really like my job. And you know, I it's actually, I was talking to a friend the other day who I was like reconnecting with after a few months of not talking.

And she was like, oh, like tell me about your job. And I just couldn't stop [00:16:00] gushing about it. Like I was like, I love my job. It's so great. And she was like, that's like the most refreshing thing ever, because most people don't say that other job. Yeah, we're very lucky in that. I was going to say pretty fortunate to have a job that I really enjoy and I like doing every day,

Riley: awesome. I love it. So what has changed since you started? 

Roni: Well, certainly not the same big changes that have happened since you've been around. Like I said earlier, The Plan to Eat app was created, I think about a year, maybe before I was hired. So I haven't known Plan to eat without an app, but I would say some like similar to Riley, even like the color scheme has changed since I've been around.

We've definitely made a lot of it, a lot of improvements to the app since I've been around. When I first started the app was much more basic than it is now. I think we're pretty much at the point now where. The app really similarly mirrors the desktop site. There's like pretty much all of the big features are available in both places for people to use.

And that's a pretty big deal. So. [00:17:00] Yeah, I would say that it's been, it's been more small things that have changed probably than it has been larger, major changes. I guess our team has grown since I first started originally. It was just you and me and Clint, and now we've added two more people onto our team. So that's kind of a big deal to go from a team of three to a team of five. 

Riley: Yeah. I think that probably most people don't know that most people do not know that our team is that, small. Right. We serve a lot of customers with the team that we have. Something is probably pretty surprising to most people to hear that.

Right. But we're at five people. So how do you meal plan? What does that look like for you? 

Roni: Similar to you. I plan a lot of dinners. So mostly like if somebody were to look at my Plan to Eat account and look at my planner, they would pretty much only see dinners planned because I do really similar to you.

We eat leftovers for lunch a lot. My husband is a contractor, so I usually try to cook so that he has leftovers to take, to work with him. Cause he doesn't have the option [00:18:00] to. Come home for lunch or even like being an office or anything. He's got to eat lunch on the go most of the time. And for breakfast, we are also pretty automated

it's a lot of like either smoothies or eggs. And so those things are pretty easy to just remember to, you know, add berries to my shopping list or add eggs to my shopping list. That kind of thing. I definitely rely a lot on the staples list to make sure that I have all of the necessary things that I need for my week.

So, as far as like what my actual meal planning is, it's mostly dinners. I use the Queue a lot because I have, well, both Riley and I have a lot of recipes in our account from just importing random things and testing things out. So I use the Q a lot to actually remember which recipes are my favorites and which ones I want to plan on a regular basis.

And yeah, I'm a big shop at home, kind of a gal when it comes to the shopping list. So I make sure that I'm not double buying things. So go around my house and use the shopping list to check off the things that we already have. Cause a lot of times I try to [00:19:00] plan recipes around things that we already have.

And, then it's a good reminder to go back through the house to be like, oh yeah, I do actually have that thing that I planned that recipe for. 

Riley: That it's always fun when somebody eats the thing you were waiting to use in a recipe. 

Roni: Yep. That happened a few weeks ago when I was getting ready to make a marinade. And I went to go get the limes out for the marinade. And my husband had used the limes the night before, so it was like, cool. I got to go to the store and get some limes, I guess. Use vinegar instead. I don't know. 

Riley: That's a good idea, but I bet that happens so much less frequently now that you have plan to eat. 

Roni: It definitely happens a lot less frequently because we can both look at our list and both look at the meal plan and like check it out and see what's on. 

Riley: Yeah, I love that. Let's see. So you've kind of mentioned a few, but what are your just number one, favorite Plan to Eat features.

Roni: I'd definitely say the queue. Like I mentioned, I use that pretty much every week when I go to do my meal planning. I would also say that I use tags a lot. It's along a similar vein. [00:20:00] I have a lot of recipes tagged by Like the type of meal that it is I know a lot of people use tags to add ingredients that something has that they want to be able to search for that kind of stuff.

I have tags that are like, gluten-free, paleo, whole 30, that kind of thing to kind of go along with like a type of eating style. Maybe that we're trying to follow at a certain point in time. And I would also say that I use menus pretty frequently because we do, we just have favorite recipes that we eat on a regular basis, and it's just easier to kind of use a menu and replan things that we've had before.

And then maybe just like, make a few changes after it's already on the planner, but having all the basics already there is just really helpful. It just save a lot of time when we're actually doing our meal planning. 

Riley: Oh, absolutely. That's a lot easier than scrolling back in time to see, but yeah. Oh, I loved those, right. 

Roni: Your meal plans are there for forever, but it can't, it's so much easier to just plan it from a menu of, in scroll back through and replan [00:21:00] stuff. 

Riley: Yeah, that's awesome. 

Roni: Let's do let's change gears a little bit and talk about why we started this podcast in the first place. 

I guess one of the things that has changed since I've started is that in general, we've been creating a lot more content for people, for our customers. A lot of that has been the video content that Riley and I had started creating on our YouTube account. And we've been fairly active on social media and stuff in the last few years. Whereas maybe that was not as much a priority in the past. 

And so, I think. Part of the thing for starting a podcast. Number one is that we all listen to podcasts a lot. All, all of us work, all of us who work at Plan to eat listen to a lot of podcasts. And so it just seemed like a no brainer to be like, well, we should start a podcast because it's obviously something that we enjoy. And so we feel like we could make it something that other people enjoy.

Riley: Yeah. We had to kind of stumble on the right idea for what this was going to be. Yeah, our, our creator Clint, like he, you know, he wanted us to do a podcast several [00:22:00] years ago. But I think it just took there, like the right time and the right space and the right, you know, like Roni and I, the way we work together had to evolve to the place that we're in now.

And so we started the, we started the YouTube videos, which has been so fun for us, and we hope that content has been great for our viewers. But we just know that that's not feasible for everyone to watch a video. I am not a video watcher to be very honest. I just don't have the time to sit down and do that.

And so. I am because of that. I am a podcast listener, much more. Well much more frequently because I can do it anytime, walk while I'm walking the dog while I'm making dinner while I'm in the car. I have a lot of drive time. And so any even, you know, honest, like while I grocery shop yeah, totally.

Yeah. Well, I'll listen to a podcast and maybe that's not friendly or whatever, but know it's my time. And so I get to do kind of what I want with it. So I'll even listen then. And so, you know, it just made sense to kind of transition. From the videos to the podcast and then just the type of content we want to produce for you guys. It all had to [00:23:00] just fall in line at the right time. And so we're really excited for the ideas that we have Upcoming podcasts content. And I'm not going to give you guys too much of a idea of what that is because we want to keep you excited. But it makes sense for audience cause we know you're busy people and it's just the, it's just the right fit for us at this time. So we're really excited to do, and we hope that our listeners love it. 

Roni: Absolutely. Yeah. I think that you kind of hit the nail on the head with all of those things. We know that people are busy, we know that people are constantly on the go and we want to be able to have a resource that is available to people on the go so that they can learn about our meal planning, tips, and tricks, and, you know, hopefully gain some things that are useful for them.

And you know, learn different ways to use plan to eat, but also just learn general things about meal planning and we hope to do some interviews and stuff in the future as well. So we really want to connect you with all, all of the different aspects of meal planning and like what it can look like [00:24:00] for you in your life.

Riley: Absolutely. Yeah. And, and we want it to be more diverse than just meal planning. We want it to be maybe even diet specific or, you know, a little bit more broad like gardening or anything that is related to food. You know, food journalism, people who write about food and like what's new in the food world.

Like those are the kinds of things that we're excited to learn for you and talk about or interview people who are really in the know and get to share that content with you. So we hope that that's something that's very interesting to you guys. 

Roni: And we're always open suggestions too. So we'll leave our email address in the show notes as well, but it's you can connect with us there literally all the time. We're also on all of the social media places at plan to eat. So make sure that you're connecting with us. there following us on Instagram and Facebook. We even do Twitter occasionally, and we have a whole bunch of Pinterest boards too. So if you're looking for places with recipe inspiration, we have a bunch of different Pinterest boards with a bunch of different recipes, pinned to them.

Following all sorts of different [00:25:00] things. Like we have paleo recipes, we have vegan recipes. We have fall recipes. We have budget recipes, like everything on there. So check out if you're, if you're a pinner. 

Riley: Yeah.and if you guys just have random questions for us. And you want to email those to us or Instagram DM them to us. Maybe we'll do a whole episode. That's just customer Q and a whether that's for us or for planning specifically for meal planning, like whatever that looks like. Maybe it's like 10 questions that we go over, something like that. These are just ideas. And we want to hear from you guys. So let us know what you're interested in.

Roni: All right. So I think we're going to wrap up a little bit here. Riley and I wanted to finish at least this conversation with telling you what our favorite recipes are right now, so that you could maybe get a little bit of recipe inspiration. We will link these recipes in the show notes as well, so you can find them on plan to eat.

Riley, why don't you tell us what you're loving right now? 

Riley: This is such a hard one. So many of our meals. Lately have been pieced together. It's been a little bit of a busy, very, very busy season for us. So it took me a minute to think about [00:26:00] what we're loving right now, but it's actually what we're having for dinner tonight.

And it's these paleo gluten-free chicken bites. They're incredibly easy to make. And it's great, like on a salad or it's great paired with, you know, roasted potatoes or celery and carrots. You'd kind of like a traditional, like chicken wing kind of dinner, but they're boneless, which is. Great. So especially with a one year old, right.

Especially with a one year old. So we love em. my husband loves on it's good for the whole fam. So, so it's, it's an easy one that we like to go to . 

Roni: I have been loving the same recipe for literally. A year and a half. 

Riley: Okay. She really has. She's told everyone, she knows about this recipe, including me.

Roni: So it's a recipe that I found from, I think it's from Epicurious and it's called like freeform chicken meatballs with roasted carrots or something like that. And so it's like you roast carrots. And then you make these chicken meatballs and you use like lemon zest and mussel, Marsala masala seasoning.

And and then you [00:27:00] obviously bake those as well. And then you make this Greek yogurt with lemon and salt as the sauce for it. And I have to say that I could eat that sauce, like every single day on literally anything it's so simple. It's literally salt. And lemon juice in Greek yogurt, but it is so good.

And just like the pairing of all of the different flavors is just really yummy. I really like things that are lemony. I like, I like a good citrus flavor. And then with the kind of like earthy spices that are in the marsala seasoning, it just pairs really well together. I love it, everybody should try it.

It became our favorite recipe last summer, and I have not stopped cooking it since. 

Riley: So you really sold me on it. I'm also really hungry right now. So you really sold me. I, maybe my chicken bites didn't get sold the way they needed to, but man Roni, that sounds great. And you know, everybody, just as a little side note, you guys can become friends with Roni and I through plan to eat.

My username is Riley and Roni [00:28:00] is Roni. Right? Roni Vayre. So, yeah. So you can, we'll put that in the sh in the show notes also you guys can become friends with us and anytime we talk about a recipe, it will be in our account and you're welcome to cook it and love it and let it be a repeat for your family too.

Roni: Well, thank you guys for joining us for our very first podcast episode. We hope you enjoyed it. And if you have questions or comments or any feedback, please reach out to us at or connect with us on social media and send us a DM. But we really appreciate you guys being here and we're excited for this new podcast journey.

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